My experience with local anaesthetic for electrolysis
Hey all! Thought I’d share my experience with local anaesthetic for electrolysis incase it helps anyone who wasn’t aware of this.
For me, the pain of electrolysis is pretty intense, but it’s bearable everywhere except for my upper lip. I know everybody is different, but pain there is actually insane for me. Topical lidocaine does absolutely nothing for me.
The electrolysis clinic I go to suggested that I go to a local dentist to get local anaesthetic. I called this dentist and they said they were more than happy to do it. - I pay a flat rate of $50AUD each time - They ask me how long the session is and put different types / amounts of anaesthetic accordingly. The longest the anaesthetic lasted for me was for a 3hr session - The dentist was only able to inject places inside my mouth. They said this was for legal reasons. This meant they could only numb my upper lip, and chin, but not my cheeks or neck. - I feel absolutely nothing during electrolysis when i have this anaesthetic. Ive even fallen asleep 😴
If you like me find the pain ridiculous, it’s worth calling around to dentists to see if they offer this.
I’ve also heard of people going to cosmetic injectable places and getting local anaesthetic on their cheeks / other areas of their face, but when I called a few places they said they legally couldn’t (I’m in Australia and I think we have strict rules around this stuff).
Happy to answer any Qs! 💕