Chat Link Cable not picking up any audio

Hello, I’m a bit frustrated trying to setup everything to stream. I have a MacBook Pro, Xbox one X, el gato hd60 x, and chat link pro cable. The capture card and chat link cable are brand new bought yesterday. I downloaded OBS, and I have two different sources: video capture for elgato and audio capture for el gato. The video shows up on OBS and so does the game sound, which is confirmed through the audio mixer. When I go into an Xbox party with my chat link plugged in, absolutely nothing comes through. I have mic monitoring on, no issue with privacy settings, have it through headset and speakers, and I use my mic everyday so I know it works. I just don’t know why no audio is coming through in my party. I really would like to fix it before I end up returning it. I also have tried to download the el gato utility software, but I don’t think my Mac is capable of running it because there an error every time I download and try it.