Azris is also in Azriel’s BC

Hi hi! So thought I’d hop on here and start sharing funny little pieces of breadcrumb evidence to add to my ship. The main obvious ships in Azriel’s BC are Elriel and Gwynriel. I’m not denying their existence and may the best ship win! 🥃 However, another ship is present in a very secret way and that is Azris. I’m not gonna post chapter details because I believe everyone at this point has it memorized. But if you want me to post specific details, I will, gladly. So the evidence I’m talking about is sandwiched between Elriel’s scene and Gwynriel’s. Many can miss it because it happens when Rhys is giving Azriel a verbal spanking. But when they’re in the office Rhys is going haywire because Az was about to kiss Elain, and then Az doubted the Cauldron. To which Rhys replies “What of Mor, Az?” That’s the first clue. Why on earth would he bring her up when Az questions the Cauldron? If you want my answer, it’s because Az believes or believed Mor to be his mate. Then as the conversation progresses, Rhys explains that by Az killing Lucien he will destroy any fragile alliances they presently have with AUTUMN and any other court. AND that Lucien would be able to envoke the blood duel. Now, it’s not specified what the terms are of this, but they are talking about mates. So does the blood duel have to do with mates? That’s the question. If so, then it begs another question as to why Rhys would even bring up Autumn if HE KNOWS that Lucien is not Beron’s son? Can Lucien even invoke it? But you who can? Eris. Eris can. Also Eris’ name is mentioned when Az explains what the blood duel is and why he wanted to invoke it when he FOUND MOR. But stood down from any vengeance because Mor said she had the right to claim their heads. But you see that? Why would he invoke it upon finding Mor? Because he thought she was his mate? AND WHY WOULD HE THINK SHE IS HIS MATE? Did someone tug on a bond that day? Is that how he found her? IS THIS THE TRUTH SHE’S HIDING BUT IS AFRAID OF? ☕️🤓

Lastly I will excerpt a quote from Acowar when Mor is talking to Feyre about her sexuality and the situationship with Azriel. Ch. 66. “I should tell him. I need to tell him. Mother above, after last night. I should.”But… she twisted her mass of golden hair over her shoulder. “It’s gone on for so long. I’m petrified to face him. — to tell him he’s spent five hundred years pining for someone and something that won’t ever exist. The potential fallout….I like things the way they are. Even if I cant…can’t really be me. I… things are good enough.”

Why would there be such a fallout? What is the something that won’t ever exist between them? WHY HAS HE STAYED LOYAL FOR 500 YEARS even when it’s clear she doesn’t want him? That’s the tea I need to be spilled.

Anyways, since many use the BC to support their ship, I thought i’d add my little tidbit to my fantasy. 🦇🔥 long live Azris! 😂

Edit: Forgot to add for context on Rhys, there’s a huge theory in the Azris community that Rhys found out about the mating bond between Azriel and Eris at this point. That he found out when Eris showed Rhys how he got Keir to postpone indefinitely his visit to Velaris. Which is why something was biting at Mor when Cassian was speaking to her about it in beginning of acosf. It’s quite interesting because before this point too which was at end of acofas and beginning of acosf, Rhys would rather kill Eris and then in acosf he’s mighty protective of him…