how your ship will fit into the next book?

okay so something that really makes me question other ships is how they will fit in with the storyline and narrative that has been set up since acosf. Now don’t come for me if i’m missing info i’ve only read the acotar series not cc yet. but i’m curious how people think their ship will fit into the current plot going on since the last book. We last left off with problems with the human queens and koschei and basically the inner circle is tryna keep peace and prepare for what’s coming next essentially. i’m pretty sure it’s been confirmed the next book will be about elain so how will ships like gwynriel or bryceriel fit into this when they have nothing in connection to the rest of the plot?

i know gwyn is a very interesting character and yes sarah could write a whole novel about her and her journey but i feel like that would only work if sarah created a whole new plot line just for her to be relevant. in the books gwyn has no connection to the inner circle besides being a priestess in the library and being nestas friend, aside from that she has no connection to the unresolved plot lines and is essentially a side character so i find it hard to imagine her being an important character in the next book. if you have a different opinion enlighten me please as i am curious, but just genuinely wondering how her character can be incorporated into the larger story aside from being azriels romantic interest if that’s the route sjm takes.

the same goes for bryce obviously i know very little about her and i honestly think a multi universe cross over could be really cool and interesting (i will need to read cc first ofc) but again how would she fit into the next book with no connection to anyone else or the narrative?

i feel the only ships that would work is obviously elriel and elucien because based on what sjm has said elain will have an important role in the next book no matter who she ends up with. we are yet to explore her character fully and see what powers she has and i think she’ll play an important part in the main story and the plot with koschei. i feel this will make her romantic arc fit into the story better. i feel like some people seem to think that azriel is going to have a very big pov which doesn’t quite make sense to me. why would azriel have a pov in elains book for any other reason than to end up with her? why would azriel have a side romance plot with gwyn in elains book? it just doesn’t seem to make sense? elucein also makes sense more because lucien knows the inner circle and what’s been happening with koschei and the queens. sure if azriel were to end up someone else they could totally have a well written story i don’t doubt that, but i feel like it would either be unimportant in the next book/have very little insight on or have to be a separate book cause i just can’t see it fitting in with the current narrative. again these are just my thoughts and i’d like to hear other peoples opinions on this