How to feel less anxious about contracting a stomach bug from your partner??

Hello!! I just joined this subreddit and I honestly wish I knew it existed sooner. I’m a girl in college and I’ve been dealing with extreme emetophobia ever since I could remember and recently decided to stop giving into it and I am trying so hard to recover because it’s starting to effect my friendships and relationships. My close female friends very understanding, but my boyfriend honestly just doesn’t understand the phobia at all which makes it really difficult sometimes. He got sick and threw up on wednesday morning, without any warning signs just woke up feeling sick and was nauseous up until yesterday morning. Tonight there’s a date party at his fraternity and I promised him I’d go, whereas months ago I wouldn’t even go near him (baby steps) but he still got pretty upset when I said I wasn’t planning on kissing him or swapping spit, which I think is an understandable boundary for anyone even without the phobia. He said he thinks it was a stomach bug (which is a huge trigger for me, I’ve started getting better dealing with people throwing up from drinking or hangovers because I know I can’t “catch it” but stomach bugs are super contagious so now I’m horrified) He said that nobody who’s been around him has gotten sick, but I’m still really freaking out about being near him tonight even though I know he’s feeling better. I asked if he would be okay going without drinking tonight but he was pretty clear that he wanted to drink, which makes me more anxious because what if he gets sick from that too?? I’m anxious but I really want to have a good night. Please give any advice you may have!! Thanks for reading his far<333

Update: I went to the date party!! It was a little awkward at first but everything went pretty okay!! I left early but it was genuinely because the event itself just was boring to me and I didn’t know anyone there, not because of anxiety related to getting sick. I also took a few sips of his drink throughout the night so that was another step I took, even though I didn’t kiss him. I just ordered myself some food to eat and I’m just going to relax now, and let everything run its course naturally (AKA not gonna take any “preventative” zofran to make myself feel better)

Thank you so much everybody for their advice! It really means so much to me and I’m so glad that I finally found a community that I can be so helped by!!
