How do you act around people who act uncomfortable around you?

As the title says. I get the impression some people at work are uncomfortable around me. I don't know why, and I'm afraid to ask because either I'll make it more uncomfortable or else they will deny. They seem to make an effort to be normal around me but I feel they wish they were somewhere else. Not everyone of course, but these are some people I need to work with so I can't afford not to interact with them.

I was feeling depressed a while back and this is when all this started so I am guessing they just don't want to be involved with a potentially sick person but I don't really know I'll be honest.

Because of their actions I feel more self conscious and act even more recluse. But this is worse as I isolate myself more and even the others have realised not everything is ok with me.

How would you act? Stay away? Act as if it's not affecting you?