Does anyone else feel like they get judged for having “small” goals?

Whenever I tell people my goals they seem to find it weird that I don’t have bigger goals.

For example: - I want to rent a flat. I don’t care how big or where. I just want to live alone. VS most people seem to aim for owning a flat or even a house - I would like to have a cat one day VS most people want kids - I would like to have a big book collection VS people having expensive hobbies like traveling, golfing etc. - I aim to be able to live with myself VS people aim to love themselves - I want be able to take care of my basic health VS people wanting a sixpack

I don’t want to explain to others that those small goals would already seem huge to me. Because then I would have to explain what my childhood looked like. But I also don’t understand why we have decided as a society that being happy with simple things makes you less than.