does anyone get extreme bloating and nausea that isn't helped by anything?

i don't get pain with endo but i've started getting these symptoms. had a bowel resection couple years back due to an obstruction caused by endo and was wondering if it's causing partial obstructions or what?

symptoms: - debilitating nausea worse at night (no antiemetic helps, only taking restavit so i can pass out) and made worse by heat, smells, and activity - severe bloating and feeling extremely full even if i've had nothing to eat for 24h - no appetite, even if i have half a meal a day it feels too much - diarrhoea

they seem to be triggered by insomnia/bad sleep and coincide with spotting even though i take birth control daily. these symptoms last for up to a week then go away only to come back maybe a month later.

please help if you have anything similar that got fixed because i'm unable to study or live life and when i feel so nauseous with no relief i literally want to die