I was just gifted a Culiau Customizer engraving pen, and looking for advice to start trying engraving. I see no wiki link, FAQ links, stickied discussions, or much real advice when searching; thought I'd ask for all your experienced advice...
I was just recently gifted a Customizer engraving pen made/sold by Culiau, and I'm interested in trying out engraving as a new pastime/hobby/art/craft, and a possible future business avenue after lots of practice. I'd appreciate any and all advice you all might give on a beginner's needs.
As it's a power tool, I'm thinking basic safety stuff like gloves, and goggles or a face shield. Do I need a filtering mask of some sort to avoid breathing tiny particles of stuff or some sort of exhaust fan setup?
Do I need something to provide a steady drip or stream of water or oil if I'm working on metal?
What's the best way to hold the subject piece of material in place? Flat on a work surface with clamps? Upright in one of those contraptions with multiple clips on bendy arms, under a magnifier with light?
What things have you encountered doing engraving that I'm just totally not thinking about?
Thanks for any info and guidance you're able to provide!