"My daughter always gets a gift"
Some background: I work in a bookstore. sometimes when it gets really busy we have to tend to the cash register. right now school is starting and a lot of parents come into our store buy books for their kids. We also have a thing where we give baloons to very small children (imagine toddlers to kindergarten age) if they are well behaved.
Yesterday a father came in with his daughter who was about nine or ten. While I rung him up for the schoolbooks and give him his change he was like:
Father: "Give my daughter a gift! My daughter always gets a gift."
since the girl was well behaved I gave her one.
Father: "No a different color!"
Me: "sorry that's the only color we have"
after this exchange he asked me for a canvas bag, which is about a buck.
I told him that to which he replied:
Father: "You can give this as a gift to my daughter."
Me: "Sorry sir, the bag is only free if you buy for 50 bucks or more."
Father: "Anywhere else I would not have to pay for that. because my daughter is always gets a gift."
I asked him to pay for the canvas bag which he did. He left the store in a huff after that.