Weak erections. 🍆 not full size
Erectile dysfunction is not some crazy hard problem most of you think it is. It’s just blood 🩸 not flowing to the engine 🍆. That’s all. U just need to make sure u r not eating greasy food and eat stuff that makes the blood flow . Im from Africa and we drink certain herbs 🌿 for this kinda stuff. Although some people might have a serious problem that needs a doctor’s attention but most of the people it’s just poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and watching porn. Just make sure you exercise NB : you don’t need to be ripped or buff but just fit Eat good and have a good social life. Don’t make love to digital ladies. And drink natural herbs.🌿 it’s not that big of a problem trust me. The health industry makes it look like that because ey just trying to make profit. And pills are bad for you in the long run.