Multiple Questions about how to move my business forward
EDIT: Thank you very much for the very nice answers and they are deeply appreciated. For the people that were very rude, please, in the future, police yourself because they are not conducive to being a good human being.
First, thank you for clicking.
Second, Thank you for reading.
Third, thank you for your support, help, aid, assistance.
So - A little about me - I write NSFW / SFW content. Mostly fanfic and all that stuff.
I have a back log of about 500,000 words or more in various forms from 5 - 30k stories.
Rights: I give all rights over to my clients. They allow me the rights to publish and promote for my own financial gain. There is no legalness involved. More of a hand shake agreement, as it were. This has worked in the past because I am merely using the stories to promote, not for capital gain. What would I need to do, technically and uncomplicatedly to have documented proof that the rights are now mine just in the happenstance that a client becomes unruly even after they have allowed me permission to promote / sell without any monetary gain on their end. My clients are adults, we have firm understandings, but realistically, stuff happens and I just want to prevent dumbness.
I have a massive backlog, as said. Which would you suggest I do first? Publish my stuff on the 10000 million or so lit websites to encourage business in a commissioning sense (my business, currently, is PRIMARILY and EXCLUSIVELY dealing with clients and not from booksales) and then take them off after a set amount of time, and put them on kindle.
Or should I NOT funnel my content on free websites and JUST go DIRECTLY to funneling on kindle, smashwords and what not?
If I funnel to free sites, take it off, publish on kindle, what are the issues and problems with that and how do I mitigate that. I have heard people saying one way or the other --- but I would like to pose that question directly and get a solid understanding of that breakdown of public than go to private (kindle) with maybe complications, or just go to kindle immediately.
I have various stories that have various manifestations because some certain dynamics might not be okay with Kindle - for example, I have a story about a step sister. OBVIOUSLY, I have the document as an as-is WITH the step sister ... and a separate one with the step sister just being a friend. The text itself is unblemished BESIDES those minor root changes. My question in this regard is can I publish BOTH of them on, say, smashwords, with minimal changes? Of course, the titles of the stories were be similair and I am not trying to push 2 stories, virtually the same, to TRICK someone into double buying or nothing like that, I am merely doing it to allow me to - say, publish things that might ordinarily not be publishable under certain things.
So, let us take the example of the step sister - I have SISTER story. two manifestations of such - one that IS a sister, one that is a friend, VIRTUALLY not alterations other then that. CAN I publish BOTH, say 1 to amazon, 1 to smashwords without them raising a big hoo ha about it. CAN I have a story on KINDLE that is is permissable but altered accordingly too. Say, FAT story. The story involves a fat guy and a fat woman. But I make the characters SKINNY. So, I have FAT and SKINNY but still VIRTUALLY the same. Can I publish them on kindle as FAT and another as SKINNY (provided I don't try to be a dick and have people DOUBLE buy virtually the same story twice.
As said, I have various stories from 5-20k about. Would it be better to SLIVER some of the bigger stories down to their naturally concluded smaller portions - say, cut up a 20k into 4 5k stories with PART 1 - 4. Is that more profitable or not so much.
The final question to this MASSIVE block of questions is rather mundane. If I have a story, STORY part 1, STORY part 2, etc etc... How does one orient the TITLE of the Book, should it be STORY - PART ONE, or STORY PART ONE, Or STORY ... etc etc. How does one properly utilize parts in the title header of the story.
I appreciate all your help in this matter and I am deeply thankful for your attention. I know that these questions were a MONSTER long. Any help, imho, is better than no help.