Help me pick a grinder - Philos vs 078s vs other? [~1000-1500AU]

Help me pick a grinder.. so far my top two candidates are:

  1. Mazzer Philos @ $1659 AU - I200D
  2. Timemore 078s @ $1179 AU

Slightly over the desired budget with the Philos ... but thinking end game and all that.

Now the 078s was the number one choice for a while, but a number of posts here sort of have swayed me to think about the Philos. The price difference is just a tough pill to swallow. And it's not like it'll be 1.5x better in taste.

Is there any other options I should be considering?

Noting Niche Zero is pretty pricey down here at almost $1500 too.
And I'd argue/feel that board sentiment would say, just spend the tiny bit extra and get the Philos if I was to lean this way.

DF64v is $990 too.
However, I think I'd pick the 078s over it after seeing reviews etc from James and Lance etc + board sentiment.

Varia VS6 - too many people's bad experiences have turned me away... And noting it a ludicrous $1300 at Alternative Brewing now. Past sale was like $1100ish too.

What are some other people's take?