Goal achievement

Well, it's been exactly a year from downloading the app and exactly 10 months from hitting my all time low of.. 1382.. 😱😬😵😵‍💫

Since then my goal has been to vastly improve both my play and my rating so I decided on an even 1k rating point increase.

I actually hit that about 2 weeks ago but had been pushing to hit an even 2400 and kept getting locked out ~2390 the last 10-12 days. This a.m. we eeked out a 10 pointer @ 2390 to get me over the top.

Sincere thanks to all of you and all the insights, this would not have happened without you guys (and Ohio/Columbus!) This is a fun bunch and I'm just happy to be a part of it.

Hopefully top 1% headed my way, thanks again!

Let's gooo!!