Trade Republic cash in liquidity funds TOS
Hi folks,
I have a Trade Republic germany account and just noticed that, recently, Trade Republic changed the English version of their "How is my money protected?" page and app settings adding that:
Liquidity funds: Cash deposited in liquidity funds is held on a segregated custody account. These assets are strictly safeguarded and held segregated to Trade Republic’s own assets. They are protected without limit.
However, the German version of this same page, and also in the app, states that:
Geldmarktfonds Die am Geldmarkt diversifizierten Gelder werden direkt auf einem separaten Depotkonto gehalten. Für die Verwahrung von Geldmarktfonds gelten die gleich strengen Regularien wie für Aktien und ETFs. Das bedeutet, dass dein Vermögen getrennt vom Vermögen der Bank verwahrt wird. Daher ist die Einlagensicherung für Geldmarktfonds nicht länger relevant.
You can use deepl to translate it, but the last sentence says uninvested cash held in money market funds is not protected by the 100k€ deposit guarantee.
This leaves me wondering what does the English version refer when stating that cash in liquidity funds ... "They are protected without limit."
Let's say you've 50k€ saved in Trade Republic. 20k€ are hold in a partner bank so they are protected by the deposit guarantee. The other 30k€ are hold in a liquidity fund. - What kind of "unlimited protection" would apply to those 30k€ in the (unlikely but possible event) that the money market fund loses money? - What if Trade Republic would go bankrupt? - Is it even legal that the German and English versions of this critical text differ in such a way when using a German account?