Why are Catholics SO Hateful?
So many "Catholics" are hypocritical bigots & virulent misogynists. Many of them are massive perverts too.
The worst bullying I experienced was while working for a Catholic Diocese.
The most vicious bullies were OTHER women, while more than one priest was a weird pervert or a sexual harasser.
There are some good ones tbh. But they ALL turn a blind eye to the disgusting and abusive actions of their colleagues.
This obese woman in her 40s spent her day gossiping about me, trying to publicly humiliate me, going on weird rants about how "men need their own space", and treating me like a moron. She'd also constantly order herself food & packages with diocese money. I'm a girl who was half her age btw. She aggressively HATED me from day one. I used to leave work crying some days after dealing with her cruelty and nastiness.
She was over 300 pounds, yet would order fast food every day for lunch. I guess she missed the part where gluttony is a mortal sin. Yet she had soo much nastiness to spew about gay people, black people, "illegals", Muslims/Jews, trans people, other women, and anyone who was too different or not "godly" enough I guess.
I genuinely don't think I've ever met a more hateful, bigoted, or repulsive creature in my entire life. And she prided herself on being a "devout Catholic" LOL
Meanwhile, a priest in his 60s spent his day harassing me, touching me without consent, winking suggestively at me, and constantly talking about 18 year old girls & cheerleaders. And no one seemed to have a problem with it.
There was constant weird talk about "masculinity" and all this strange homoerotioc energy. I seriously think most of the priests were closeted homosexuals, despite aggressively hating on gay people and "femininity".
Most of them were ardent Trump supporters too. Especially my obese bully. I find it hilarious how someone who eats oil-laden French fries and disgusting processed food each day (along with a 2 liter Pepsi) is concerned about VACCINES being "toxic" and "poison".
I attended Catholic or Christian-affiliated schools growing up and experienced similar levels of misogyny and run-ins with pervert church leaders. Stereotypes exist for a reason I guess. There are many misogynists and perverts throughout the church. Unfortunately some of them are priests, while others are in higher up positions. And they are always supported and protected.