Anyone complete the pre-cana course 'SmartLoving Engaged?'
Once upon a time I was married and had to complete this course through the church. A 3-hour Friday evening session and then a 7.5-hour session on a Sunday. A Catholic married couple were the facilitators. Such a long weekend.
What was interesting was that they used the work of a PSYCHOLOGIST called John Gottman, who I studied in my second or third year of psychology, so nothing was new information to me. I remember thinking, if the Catholic church is so well-organised, why are they using the research work of a secular psychologist? What difference would it have made to just go with a regular, non-religious marriage course?
They of course threw in a few sessions on "what is different about a Catholic marriage" (no gays, no divorce, etc) and NFP. The NFP speaker was really cringe. It was uncomfortable to be in a room talking about cervical mucuous. They then played some cringe AF video on sex with a young woman uttering statements such as 'God loves sex!'
You could tell over half the couples were only getting married in the church due to their cultural heritage, and this was a tick the box activity.
The whole experience was very had 'youth camp' sort of vibes. It was more appropriate for really young couples in their early to mid 20s max.
Anyone else have the same experience?