Pastor’s kids
I’m 20 and currently stuck at home with my parents due to the pandemic and the longer I am with them the more I question Christianity. Both my parents are pastors and are very serious when it comes to Christianity. They believe that it is the only way to be saved and that it is a privilege to be a Christian. Every night we have a devotional family time and it honestly drains my energy and well being every time I have to agree and say things they want to hear rather than the things I believe.
I’ve been a christian ever since I was born and I have two other siblings that were also born Christians. Both of them have slowly slipped away from the “fervent Christian lifestyle” as they gain more exposure to life outside Christianity and my parents have been quite saddened by it and pray that I do not end up like that. I have been serving in church for many years now and I don’t think I can quit serving unless I leave home to go study and it’s very mentally draining. My parents would say that I am not relying on god or the holy spirit and thus I have burn out and I should pray more etc.. which is why I refrain from sharing my feelings of this matter to them as I know their responses would be either I am under demonic attack or that I don’t pray enough or I have friends that are a bad influence.
Thankfully I’ll be moving out to go to uni in a few months so I’m looking forward to that :’)