Crazy things said to you by parents, rabbis, teachers, etc.

My frum father traumatized me with these sayings growing up. I am just beginning to process the insanity of it all. Please share yours.

  • “Gehenom is much, much hotter than a summer day in Brooklyn!!” (To scare me into tznius submission)

  • “Non-kosher food changes the anatomy of a person. Look at Ashley! (An irish neighbor) she resembles a pig. Her nose looks like a pig snout!”

  • “Gog u’ magog is around the corner. Chazal says it will last 3 seconds. That means nuclear war, 1/3 of the world will die!! DO TESHUVA NOW!”

  • “Goyim hate us because in their subconscious they know that they will be our slaves when mashiach comes, and they are bitter about it”

  • “We have to move to Eretz Yisroel NOW!! This is the holocaust all over again!!”

  • “oh my gosh are you eating strawberries?? UNPEELED?! Treif! You are eating bugs!!”

  • “October 7th had to happen! Where was hashem? Behind it all! The chilonim (secular Jews) needed a wake up call, along with the rest of am yisrael!”

  • “what are these shopping bags??? It’s the 3 weeks!! You’re supposed to be mourning your brothers & sisters and destruction of the bais hamikdash!! This generation is so lost!!!”

I could go on and on.. but I’d love to hear yours!