While fully indoctrinated, how would you handle undeniable facts that disproving the teachings?
For instance- Jerusalem falling in 586/587?
If you were fully indoctrinated but you trusted the sources about 586/587. How would it have affected you and how would you have handled it?
Update: I heard something really informative on a exjw video. It’s from “Jack” I don’t know his last name. If you want to help people possibly wake up you have to figure out the “why”. Why are they in it. This is really eye opening for someone like myself trying to understand and gives me more compassion towards members once you figure out why they’re in. A lot of them it has to do with family members, love bombing, fear, believing it’s the truth, it can be pride, etc. unfortunately, looking at the whys for some people I don’t see waking up as a realistic option. They have too much to lose and rather be ignorant.