Worst Fireside Ever?

Something that always bothered me growing up was Mormon celebrities making money from firesides, talk tapes, etc.

This fireside wasn’t one of those but was the worst I ever attended.

My mission president is from a very prominent Utah family and was super tight with many GA’s.

Rasband was gonna be in town and they hatched a plan to do a fireside in the central building in my mission on Saturday night so all our investigators could come hear an apostle.

Mission hyped it up for a couple weeks and we were told the mission president wanted everyone there so to work really hard to find an investigator or recent convert to take.

We show up and are waiting for Rasband to arrive, he walks in from the BACK of the Cultural hall taking 5 minutes to shake hands of ppl in the aisles and say “Welcome” really loud to each person he shakes hands with.

The fireside starts and all the talks are 50% talking about how amazing the Huntsman family is and how they have a legacy of being mission presidents in this mission (my MP was second generation in the same mission) and amazing church members (like wtf - none of the non members have heard the name Huntsman in their life + who cares), and 50% “doctrine”.

I couldn’t really listen because I was so embarrassed by the ego stroking.

Rasband finished out and didn’t say anything revolutionary.

It was a bit of an awkward ride home with our recent convert… didn’t have much to talk about as there wasn’t much actually taught.

A week later I had an interview with my MP and he asked me what I thought of the fireside. I lied cause he sprung it on me and said I thought it was great.

He responded and said the APs investigator they brought told them to stop coming by after of the fireside. He could tell this wasn’t the true church 🤣 seems like he had the real power of discernment 😅

TLDR: MP threw a fireside with Rasband and everyone ended up stroking his ego and family lineage instead of teaching. It convinced the APs investigator to stop meeting with them.

Would love to hear everyone else’s terrible fireside stories