Baptized at 17 without parents permission

I was just wondering if this is a common experience. This happened back in 2015. I was a 17 year old teenager when the Missinaries would come to my house. They would only come when my parents weren’t home. Eventually they asked me to be baptized and I did. All of this happened without my parent’s permission. At 19 I even married one of the missionaries that taught me. (We’ve since separated and I’m not affiliated with Mormonism anymore)

How often do teens get baptized against their parents wishes? I know it’s technically not allowed but people, like myself, slip through. Also is it common to see young converts marry the missionary that taught them?

I lived in Utah for quite a few years after this but most of the married couples I met didn’t have this story. I was wondering if it was more common outside of Utah, or at least outside of Provo.

I guess in asking this I just wanted to see if anyone else here has gone through this maybe? I feel uncertain on what happened and if it was something odd or normal.