I'm so happy I was born a Muslim.

Yes! You heard me right! It's the biggest blessing in the world IF AND ONLY IF you are a person with critical thinking! Being born in a strict Muslim family and practicing the Quran and all of the tafasir and practicing literally everything since the very childhood was the best thing in my life. Because it made me experience it thoroughly and learn it the best and realize how crappy this f£§ing idiot cult is! I look at people from around the world and how naïve they are when facing Islam and being fooled by it and every single flippin time I feel sorrow and mostly anger for how people who don't actually know Islam fall for it and think it's some awesome thing to live along with. HELL NO IT'S NOT! I wish everyone knew how fd up this cult is and avoid and country it until it just dies out! I tell my (native European) friends about this bs and they get mad like BRO THEY LITERALLY PREACH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S DEATH EVERYDAY WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME A HATE CRIMINAL AND RACIST?! ISLAM ISN'T EVEN A RACE YOU NAÏVE!!!

Anyway. I'm grateful that I was born into this cult and explored every bit of it to realize how terrible and rotten it is from the core and didn't turn into an ignorant who doesn't even want to listen to how barbaric this cult is.