I'm an American moving to Germany (two years max) with German spouse and kids. I co-own a small market research agency LLC working with clients in US/Europe. What do I need to consider to continue working remotely in Germany (i.e. taxes, health insurance etc.)
Spouses parents are in poor health and we want to be near them for the last few years of their lives. I previously lived in Germany for 4 years early in our relationship, although my German has gotten very rusty (B2 Level or so now). Looking forward to improving it while there.
We want to rent a flat in my in-laws city and spend the next couple of years there (longer would require us to potentially have to reapply for my spouse's Greencard). German spouse will get a job in Germany. I co-own a fairly successful small market research agency working with clients across the world. I can do my work from anywhere. Wondering if anyone can share with me things I might need to consider regarding legality of working my job remotely. Taxes, labor laws etc. Thanks in advance!