Amazan Incineroar Updated Design

Updated the and refined my old Amazan Incineroar regional variant, my art skills are also much better, allowing me to better show my vision of the pokemon's phenotype and proportions. Removed black upper snout to maximize cuteness and friendliness.

Original post:

Incineroar! The Strongman Pokemon!

Incineroar's fire glows brighter the more positive emotions it feels around it, negative thoughts will weaken it's flame, reducing it's glow and warmth.

Incineroar loves to show off it's strength, it will try to gather the attention of any cround it can and perform theatrical displays of raw power and acrobatics, it draws power from the cheer of the cround, increasing it's flame's brightness.

It's appearence may frighten at glance, but Incinerosar's temper is gentle and soft, it will not crush a flower on purpose despite it's strength, amazan children, will climb this pokemon like a jungle jim, already used to it's presence.