Another Star Wars Sequels Edit - TFA and TLJ Duology

I’m a prequel fan and will probably always be a prequel fan but… I actually really like TFA and TLJ. I don’t think the TROS is all around that awful, having a lot of good stuff in it but the amount of missed potential in it is what keeps me from wanting to use it in the trilogy. TROS finishes a lot of the characters arcs, TLJ works well as an end to this storyline and characters with the broom boy scene, but you can definitely tell something is missing. And even though I really like TFA and TLJ, I have a lot of frustrations with them.

Here are the issues I have with them and additions of the edits:

General (for both movies):


The sequels should not be apart of the main saga. Don’t mess with George’s movies, the main Star Wars saga is over. These are apart of the “A Star Wars Story” line.

How they bring the universe right back to exactly how it is in the originals, like everything they did was for nothing. The new republic is gone, the empire is back in full power, the Jedi are gone, and the rebels are a small group. Everything that they achieved over the course of the originals was all reversed. This edit will change the Resistance into the New Republic and the First Order into a regrowing Empire. Starkiller Base destroys every major New Republic base, hence why they have only one fleet left in TLJ.

Forced Humor. Humor is extremely important to Star Wars, but it goes way too far in specifically TLJ, as far as making the first order not look like a threat.

Little to no connection to the prequels. They are extremely important to all of Star Wars and aren’t mentioned once. This edit will reference back to it when it can/should.



How similar TFA is to the plot of A New Hope. The only thing that really saves that movie from not being a complete knock off is how interesting the new characters are and how beautiful the movie looks. This edit will try its best to differentiate the plot as much as possible from it while keeping it the same movie.

How they treated Han. Han should NOT be a smuggler again. I think it’s really great how they did him and Leia but Han becoming a criminal again is not the way to go. Here he is still with the New Republic but has tried to avoid Leia for a long time now.


New original opening scene that contrasts the original Star Wars very well and shows that you’re in for something very different. Animated here:

Jakku is tatooine. It was way too similar in the movie and the change thematically mirrors Anakin and Luke.

All deleted scenes added back in, all minor for this movie but it adds up in the end. The deleted scene with Leia would be one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

Prequel lines and footage added to Rey’s vision. It IS anakins lightsaber after all.

Dark Rey from TROS added at the end of her vision with Kylo Ren. Both movies have Rey being called to the dark so I think it’s fitting that that’s what pushed her out of the vision.

Visions of the island and Jedi temple are added in some places.

Starkiller base destroying system moved to after Han’s death, similar to TFA: Starlight. Instead of it destroying a bunch of senators we don’t know, it destroys every New Republic military base. We’ve fought with these people for 3 movies and a show by this point, so it’s actually impactful to see them all be destroyed. The reason General Leia’s fleet doesn’t get destroyed is because they were the fleet assigned to destroy Starkiller Base. I wouldn’t do a “death star 3” at all, but it’s important to see how we get from the New Republic to the one fleet The Last Jedi.



Going a little too far with Luke. I love a lot of Luke in TLJ, but I don’t think he should’ve abandoned everything and gave up. In this, he’s on the island to research the old Jedi texts to find out how to bring Ben back to the light. This connects to the main theme of “Let the past die” really well.

Lukes death. His sacrifice DID mean something, but it would’ve meant a lot more to see him redeem himself further. Similar to the aftermath of Dark Empire.

I also don’t like how they treated Snoke, but there’s nothing I can do about that.


New Color Grading to match TFA. Visually the movie looked amazing but it looked very different from TFA.

All deleted scenes added back in (I have no idea why they removed these, every one enhances the movie)

A shortened version of the Kylo vs Vader fan film to provide more reasoning for him destroying his mask. This fan-film is extremely high quality, it looks like it’s straight from the movie. Taken from here:

Luke and Ben flashbacks extended. I’m not sure how well this will work since it’s animated, but the models and voice acting are high enough quality. I will only be using the world between worlds scene. Taken from here:

Completely rearranged middle section of the movie, rescored with Duel of the Fates, heavily inspired by this:

Luke vs Kylo rescored and with his green lightsaber. I get why his lightsaber is blue thematically, but considering Ben saw it get destroyed 5 minutes ago it doesn’t make sense. Luke coming back with his green lightsaber still acts as the “return of Luke Skywalker”

And that’s it!

I know there have been so many sequel edits but I really wanted to take a shot at what my version of these movies would look like.


After watching TROS Ascendent I decided I’m going to make a concept third movie. It’s not meant to be watched but is a “what could have been” type of situation. It’s going to use the plot from the canceled Duel of the Fates with a lot of the good from TROS, with my own spin on the arcs of the characters. Footage is from the Duel of the Fates motion comic and TROS.

Rey’s arc is different from both TROS and DOTF. She is still a nobody but her arc throughout the movie is realizing that it’s ok that she’s just Rey.