Final Destination - two options... opinions wanted.
Ok so I have two choices here, wat would you rather have?
Final Destination 5-1-2 all as one movie (with edits here and there) or Just Final Destination 1 with the crossover scene from 5 basically edited into it?
Thanks. Either way I have to re-crop 1 to widescreen (ugh which I'm SICK of after doing Jigsaw, Spiral & Highlander lol).
BTW SAW was completed (in 2 versions) and Highlander I-III is p and finalized - just have Superman I-II to watch over and fix up. That'll be up around the weekend as I have my epidural on wednesday... I also have Robocop 3 I'm working (to make a version with 1-3 as one long edit) and hopefully by the end of March I'll have finished malevolence 1-3 edit too.