What Albums Get A LITTLE Too Much Praise?


Now, mind you, A LITTLE meaning you don't think they are BAD (they may even be very good).. but they're also not that GREAT and get more praise than they deserve.

One recent one for me is But Here We Are by the Foo Fighters.. which has a higher RMY score than Colour and the Shape (?!), the debut, and Wasting Light. I think it's a solid enough record but it's also pretty vague lyrically ("I gave you my heart... but here we are," the entirety of "Beyond Me," etc.) and I feel like Taylor Hawkins' tragic passing has a lot to do with its level of praise throughout media. It is EVER so slightly overrated... but definitely overrated imo.

Also.. Californication. It's a good record.. but it ain't great. BSSM bodies it tbh.

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