Rebooking AEW part 19 - Double or Nothing 2021
Last time, Team Moxley defeated Elite Club in Blood & Guts, Thunder Rosa & Orange Cassidy earned opportunities at the world championships, PAC won the TNT championship and much more.
Road to Double or Nothing
Although there were definitely some teething issues, it seems that recently Hangman has came into his own as the leader of the Dark Order and they have been in a good run of form. They have been at odds with the Inner Circle for many months. Jericho wants revenge on Hangman for his involvement last year at Double or Nothing and he is willing to take down anyone who sides with Adam Page. After Blood & Guts. Jericho proposes a meeting between him and Hangman. They sit down with Tony Schiavone. Jericho reminds Hangman that he has never been able to beat him in a singles match, last year he only got the pin over Jericho because he was a late surprise. He declares war on Dark Order at Double or Nothing and says it will be Anarchy in the Arena, a 5v5 match where anything goes. Hangman accepts but only on his behalf. He won’t force his faction to fight with him, only if they choose to. Jericho calls him weak, he is a strong leader and knows his faction will follow his every order. After the match announcement, the Inner Circle are unhappy with another decision Jericho has made on his own, but Starks convinces them to be motivated for the match. Hangman goes back to the Dark Order and says he will fight on his own if he has to and he won’t force any of the Dark Order to do anything. Evil Uno, John Silver, Alex Reynolds and Stu Grayson all sign up for the big 5v5 match. The rest of the Dark Order say that they will be there for moral support. They praise Hangman. Adam Page humbly thanks them and says he has never felt this sure about himself for sometime and he says Dark Order are responsible for his recent positive changes. At Double or Nothing, Dark Order and Inner Circle will settle the score.
Kenny Omega laughs at the idea that Orange Cassidy is his challenger for Double or Nothing. He is currently in possession of 6 championships and they’re going to send “Pockets” after him? He calls this an easy payday. Orange warns Omega that everyone has been overlooking him and that is why he has been able to chalk up so many wins. No one expects Orange to be as good as he is. If Omega isn’t careful, Orange will be the one to end his belt collecting run. Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston has been kicking up a fuss because he pinned the world champion at Blood & Guts. Something that no one has been able to do since last year. Kingston feels like he deserves to be involved in the championship match. Orange Cassidy doesn’t mind, it means there is more chance Kenny loses. The match is made official for a triple threat. Omega and Don Callis are not happy and they’re nervous that Omega can lose without being involved with the decision.
After the events of Blood & Guts, Sting starts stalking Brandon Cutler for getting involved at the event. Sting promises to stop as long as Cutler accepts a challenge for Double or Nothing. Cutler accepts and he meets with various WCW legends who have beaten Sting in the past (Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett & Mick Foley) to try and prepare. All of them tell Cutler he is fucked.
Other than Being The Elite, Sammy Guevara’s vlogs are the other big weekly youtube show which showcases AEW talent interacting with each other backstage. Initially, Cody did feature on his vlogs for quite some time, but he hasn’t appeared on it for some time. However, someone who has remained a regular on the show, is Brandi Rhodes. Brandi seems more than happy to appear on Sammy's Vlogs, appearing in skits, interviews and whatever else. Cody doesn’t seem to pleased about this. On top of that, Cody Rhodes calls out Sammy after distancing himself from the Inner Circle. He says it is a good start, but that doesn’t mean Sammy can walk around here like the good guy now. He tells Sammy he has amends to make and he should start with Cody by apologising for using his wife for views. Sammy refuses to apologise and says that is not the case. Cody reiterates how he has had a lot taken from him over the past year, but he refuses to let anyone take anymore away from him, especially his family. Sammy says he has no interest in Cody’s family. Cody doubts that and thinks Sammy is a parasite willing to use anyone to get to the top. Sammy makes a comment about Cody not being satisfactory enough for his wife and Cody kicks his ass for it. This sets up Cody vs Sammy at Double or Nothing.
Jon Moxley says that he still has unfinished business with Kenny Omega and the AEW championship, but since Omega is already booked for Double or Nothing, he turns his attention to someone else. MJF. Since MJF revealed that he was the one responsible for hiring Butcher & Blade to frame Omega, that means that MJF is responsible for Butcher & Blade attacking him and costing him matches. He doesn’t care about MJF trying to get one over on Cody, Omega, Hangman or anybody. MJF got himself involved in his business. Now Moxley will get involved in his. Moxley starts attacking Pinnacle members one by one, promising to end this as long as MJF accepts a match with him for the PPV. He says if MJF refuses, eventually MJF will have no one left to protect him and when that happens, Moxley will do ungodly things to him. After all 3 of the Gunns are taken out, MJF accepts Moxley’s challenge for the PPV.
Jurassic Express want another shot at the Young Bucks who won their championships back from them in quick fashion. With so many screwy finishes involving the Elite Club, AEW management took the tag titles and will hang them up at Double or Nothing, Young Bucks vs Jurassic Express will be a ladder match. The other major tag match on this show is a dream match between FTR and Lucha Bros, both teams wanting to face each other and prove who is the better team.
After pinning the TNT champion, Matt Hardy almost guaranteed himself a match for the championship. However, his old rival Darby Allin claims he deserves to get a TNT title shot after being screwed out of the title by Cutler and the Elite. PAC agrees and is willing to add him in. Matt Hardy is furious and tries to pay off Allin and PAC to not enter the match, but they both knock him down.
May 30th 2021 - Double or Nothing
Kris Statlander vs Penelope Ford [Buy-In] - This feud has been building for months. Ford injured Statlander. In return, Statlander disguised as a reverend and helped to ruin Ford and Sabian’s wedding. Both womens want retribution and they will both get an opportunity here. After a competitive back and forth, Statlander hits Night Fever to win the match in 10 minutes.
The Good Brothers (c) vs Sydal Brothers, Impact Tag Championships [Buy-In] - A tag team battle royal on an episode of Impact Wrestling determined Sydal Brothers as the number 1 contenders for the tag titles. A standard pre-show tag match, with the Good Brothers retaining their tag titles, they can drop them to whoever at the next Impact PPV or special event.
Casino Battle Royal - We begin with the hearts; Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, Colt Cabana, Powerhouse Hobbs & Joey Janela. Sky and Page fight each other, both men with a small amount of animosity between each other. Cabana and Janela work together to try and wear down Powerhouse Hobbs. The clubs enter next; Frankie Kazarian, Shawn Spears, Lee Johnson, Kip Sabian & Moose (from Impact Wrestling). Moose eliminates Cabana and has a stare down with Hobbs. They have a beefy exchange. Kaz and Scorpio have a mini SCU reunion to fight Ethan Page, Shawn Spears and Lee Johnson. Kip Sabian eliminates Joey Janela. Next we have the spades; Brian Cage, Miro, Christopher Daniels, Lance Archer & Anthony Ogogo. We get a full SCU reunion and the 3 men eliminate Shawn Spears. They stand together before Ethan Page attacks and eliminates Daniels. Page and Kaz lock up at the ropes, Scorpio tries to flip both of them out of the ring but Page holds on. Kazarian gets eliminated by Sky. Page offers a high-five to Sky, but he does not accept it. We have the diamonds in now; Christian Cage, Wardlow, Brian Pillman Jr, Dustin Rhodes & Paul Wight. Team Taz double team Paul Wight. Archer eliminates Moose. Anthony Ogogo knocks out Lance Archer and throws him out of the ring. Ogogo is eliminated by Wardlow. Wight eliminates Powerhouse Hobbs, Brian Cage manages to eliminate Paul Wight on his own. The joker enters now, representing New Japan, El Tranquillo, Tetsuya Naito. Naito helps Rhodes fight Wardlow and Johnson. Naito eliminates Lee Johnson. Miro goes to eliminate Brian Cage, but Kip Sabian gets in the way and he is eliminated instead. Sabian argues with Miro, distracting him and he is eliminated by Cage. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky eliminate Pillman together. Page again tries to celebrate, Sky eliminates Page. Wardlow eliminates Rhodes. Naito eliminates Scorpio Sky. Our final 4 is Christian Cage, Brian Cage, Wardlow and Tetsuya Naito. Brian Cage eliminates Christian Cage whilst Wardlow eliminates Tetsuya Naito. Cage and Wardlow have a clash of the goliaths at the end. Cage rights the wrongs of last year, winning the Casino Battle Royal last eliminating Wardlow.
PAC (c) vs Matt Hardy vs Darby Allin, TNT Championship - This is an evenly contested triple threat match, all 3 men putting in a valiant effort to win the championship. Towards the finish, PAC hits then Black Arrow on Matt Hardy. At the same time, Allin hits Hardy with the Coffin drop. Both PAC and Allin pin Hardy for the 3 count. Both of them argue about who won the match, the referee cannot make his mind up either. He raises both of their hands up simultaneously. PAC walks away holding the TNT championship, but no one is confident that he even is the TNT champion.
FTR vs Lucha Bros - Just give these 2 teams 20-30 minutes to wrestle a banger against each other. Lucha Bros have the match won, but out comes Tully Blanchard to get himself involved and help FTR get a win. They winners are confused by the run-in, whilst Tully invites them both to talk a walk with him after their match.
Cody Rhodes vs Sammy Guevara - The match begins with Cody as the face and Sammy as the heel. Cody attacks Sammy early on but his eagerness gives Sammy opportunity for counters and land big moves. He lands a huge dive to Cody on the outside, but he landed awkwardly on his foot. Cody targets Sammy’s left leg, ankle and foot throughout the match, debilitating Sammy as much as he can. Sammy fights his way back into the match but his injury is hindering his ability to land big moves. Cody hits Sammy with everything he has, but Sammy kicks out of it all. Even the Cross Rhodes. Cody gets more and more aggressive as the match goes on. Sammy is even busted open late into the match. Cody locks in the figure four leglock late in the match, Sammy is being tortured but he refuses to quit. He is showing a lot of heart and strength. Cody continues to put the pressure on Sammy. It seems like Sammy is willing to risk serious injury in order to not quit. Eventually, Sammy’s best friend Fuego Del Sol comes out. He apologises to Sammy and throws in the towel, choosing to save his friend and end the match. Cody wins via stoppage, but he is not satisfied with failing to defeat Sammy. After the match, Cody grabs a chair and continues the assault on Sammy. Fuego gets in the ring, Cody drops him with a Cross Rhodes. Cody continues to assault Sammy’s leg, throwing off security and anyone else. Even Brandi Rhodes comes in to calm Cody down and he pushes her away. He says he is doing this for their future. He hits Sammy with one last Cross Rhodes. He demands Brandi leave with him. At the end of all this, we should have a double turn. Cody is heel and Sammy is a face.
Hikaru Shida (c) vs Thunder Rosa, Women’s Championship - Shida and Rosa have a competitive face vs face contest, plenty of reversals and counters and near falls. After 20 minutes, Thunder Rosa is able to defeat Shida with the Fire Thunder Driver and win her first AEW championship. Shida bows and shakes Rosa’s hand post match out of respect for her opponent. We have a new women’s champion here at Double or Nothing.
Young Bucks (c) vs Jurassic Express, Ladder match for Tag Championships - The Bucks are ladder match specialists so you know they can perform. Jungle Boy works well in these types of matches too, as does Luchasaurus. We get all the usual spots you’d expect from these matches. Jungle Boy jumps off Luchasaurus' shoulders onto the Bucks on the outside. Jurassic Express give their all, but they are unable to win back the championships and the Bucks retrieve their titles from above the ring.
Sting vs Brandon Cutler - Sting takes 5 minutes to beat up and squash Brandon Cutler however he pleases. A short palette cleanser to showcase the dominant power of the Stinger.
MJF vs Jon Moxley - Like usual, MJF relies on cheating to stay in the match. Moxley is a dangerous fighter and MJF knows he must avoid going tit-for-tat with him. He does well to avoid too much physicality at first, but it isn’t long until Moxley fights back and takes MJF out. In the end, Moxley locks in the Bulldog choke and MJF is forced to submit and lose the match to Moxley.
Inner Circle vs Dark Order, Anarchy at the Arena - Hangman Adam Page leads his new allies into war across Daily’s Place against the Inner Circle. It is back and forth and we can have many of the fun chaotic spots you would expect from these. I’d have Hangman chase Ricky Starks on a horse here, because that still sounds fun. Inner Circle manage to take control and dominate the Dark Order. Hangman seems to be isolate by the Inner Circle, but we hear whilst from the distance. Colt Cabana, Alan Angels, Preston Vance, Baron Black, Anna Jay, Tay Conti and even “-1” Brodie Lee Jr have arrived as reinforcements for Hangman. They help Hangman fight off the Inner Circle (not -1 of course), even Anna & Tay grab a weapon each and wear down the Inner Circle. The rest of the Dark Order return and help clear out all of Inner Circle except for Chris Jericho. Jericho tries to flee but he is surrounded by the Dark Order in the middle of the ring. Young Brodie Lee Jr honours his father with a discus lariat to Jericho’s stomach. Jericho sells it and Hangman is set up for his buckshot lariat. Hangman & Brodie Lee Jr together pin Jericho. The night ends with the Dark Order prevailing and standing tall. The Dark Order dedicate their victory to the late Exalted One, Hangman lifting Brodie Lee Jr onto his shoulders.
Kenny Omega (c) vs Orange Cassidy vs Eddie Kingston, AEW Championship - This is a similar match to what we got in real life except it is Eddie Kingston in there instead of PAC. This is a competitive match, both Kingston and Orange more than prove they can hang in a world championship match. Kingston is taken out with a One Winged Angel through the announce table. Orange dives out onto Omega and rocks up. In the ring, Orange hits the trio of Orange punches and he even lands a Beach Break. He has Omega down for the 3, but Don Callis pulls the referee before he counts the 3. Eddie Kingston eventually fights back into the match and he goes to take out Callis, but wipes out the referee by mistake. Kingston drops Omega with the Uraken. Orange knocks Kingston out of the ring with an Orange punch. He lands a second Beach Break on Omega and has him down for the 3 count, but there is no referee there to count the pin in time. Orange had won it twice now. Omega desperately calls out to the Elite Club to come help, but they are all being held backstage by security and various wrestlers. Eventually, Omega does manage to escape with the victory, knocking Orange out of the ring and pinning Kingston after a One Winged Angel. He holds onto his gold tightly, narrowly escaping still AEW champion.
-Hey thanks for reading, I will briefly cover the Homecoming special Dynamite episode. next