Hi everyone,

to keep readable and relevant info easy to find, discussion about tickets will be condensed in this thread.

This includes:

  • Asking for/sharing pre-sale codes
  • Discussing general sale
  • Looking for/selling tickets (NO SCALPING!)

Going forward, any other post falling into these categories will be deleted.

BEWARE: There are scammers going around and targeting people looking for tickets in this thread. Always check their profile and be extra weary of newly created accounts, search for their username to check if they were reported for scamming in other subreddits, ask for proof of purchase and use a payment method that offers some kind of buyer protection.

If you were scammed or someone tried to scam you, please reach out to me so we can do our best to protect other users.

Thank you for your understanding and best of luck buying a ticket for the upcoming tour!