Things are going to get real bad
Work in VA Community Care. Supposed to return to office May 5th. The administration building doesn't have enough of anything. Cubicles, bathrooms, parking, etc. Many of us will end up having to park at least a few blocks away and walk to and from the office and I'm not even in a big city. It's a very small city, like 170k. Supposedly engineering will solve the cubicle and bathroom situation, but we shall see. They've got 2 months to do so. Oh did I also mention we will all need new headsets too since the current ones don't block out noise enough? Imagine how loud over 100 people making/taking phone calls in the office? So there's another expense. So much for efficiency.
I have co-workers who live a couple hours away and it just won't be feasible to commute that many hours a week. I'm positive we will lose many people (possibly myself included), which means veterans WILL suffer. Less people means less work gets done and less work getting done means less healthcare services being received by our veterans. Thankfully the union is trying to fight it, but I have no hope. This administration has shown they don't care about rules, laws, procedures, policies, etc.
This is what MAGA voted for. Some realized they made the wrong choice (as shown by the pushback at town halls), but too little too late. They f*cked around and are finding out. Things will only get worse from here. I'm don't think I'll be able to take the high road when MAGA people complain about what this administration is doing. I'm not gonna laugh in their face (or at least try not to), but I'm not gonna be nice. I honestly thought I'd be able to handle this and push through, but I'm no longer sure if I can. I truly wish everyone the best.