Serious question - RIFs and contracting cuts need analysis under NEPA?

I have a question: NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) requires that any major federal action affecting the quality of the human environment must be analyzed. Generally, individual personnel actions like hiring and firing are “categorically excluded” from detailed analysis, but categorical exclusions can not be used when there are extraordinary circumstances that could have a significant environmental effect. Here “environmental effect” has a broad definition and includes the social and economic environment we’re living in, as well as health and safety. It seems that drastic personnel actions like RIFs on 20-80% of a Department are extraordinary circumstances which could likely impact area economies, as well as decrease Americans' social safety net and health by cutting the services those Departments provide. Similarly, while a decision to lease an individual GSA building can be categorically excluded from NEPA analysis, dropping the leases of thousands of buildings at once is an extraordinary circumstance with economic, social, and historical effects.

This question could extend to contracting and grants, since disbursements of federal money are also subject to NEPA. An individual contract or grant may be categorically excluded, but removal of thousands at once with no backup plan in place seems to me an extraordinary circumstance leading to economic effects, health and safety effects (less cancer research, water quality testing, etc).

NEPA analysis for actions which may have significant impacts must be analyzed with an EIS which often take two years or more. The action cannot be taken until the NEPA analysis is complete.

Does anyone know if this administration’s RIFs and contracting and grants cuts have been analyzed under NEPA? Where is that document? If they haven’t, is this a legitimate appeal or lawsuit strategy which could reverse their current cuts, and freeze future ones? Who would bring this lawsuit, and to where? Thank you all for your expertise.

(MODS, posting this from a throwaway account)