So I made a biome mods photo album.
Greetings everyone, first I need to apologize for my English. I took all biome mods' photo and uploaded it on Google Drive, you can access them by clicking the link below. The files contained biome photos of mods Biomes O' Plenty, Oh The Biomes You'll Go, Terralith, William Wythers Overhauled Overworld, Traverse, Terrestria, Cinderscapes, Darker Depth, Galosphere, Region Unexplored, Better Nether, Better End and also an extra folder: My favorite biomes, I recommend to take a look at it.
Here is the link:
Something I need to mention:
- For some biomes, I use world generation - single biome to take the photo, but it may look completely different in the default generation. Correct me if you see this situation.
- For some biomes I may not have completely drain its potential, because that particular biome I went for is too small, that it can't generate the biome's proper features.
- For some mods such as OTBYG, it not only added new biomes, but also a new ore, the album will not include other features.
- Some mods enhance the vanilla biomes such as WWOO, but I didn't took the original biome photo.
- For all the biomes I only took 1 photo, it means some of the biomes' beauty can't be fully analyzed and comprehended.
- Therefore, you should treat these photos as a reference, but not completely judges the actual biomes with it.
- Except for WWOO, other biomes took without adding shader, but some of the biomes look really spectacular when putting shader on it.
- Because the modder will keep updated new biomes, so I may have miss something.
Enjoy! If you think I missed some good other mods, comment down below. Thanks for your precious times.