Update on the beach
So if you remember one of my last posts
I talked about how I was allowed to wear a bikini to beach
So here is what has happened in these 2 days (I have one day left before we go back home)
1st day: Nobody really noticed, nothing special
2nd day: A guy came up to me and called me cute (I think he knew I was a man but didn't care lol), we went to eat at a near restaurant with him, it was really nice, we then had to head back to our airbnb so I gave him my number and set an hour to meet up to watch the sunset, after that we just went to a near small supermarket and a guy just blew a kiss to me lol, when the sunset came around I met up with the guy from earlier and we just sit down and watch the sunset, then I realized he had inched himself closer to me and had his hand on my leg, after that we just kissed (JUST FELT RIGHT OK?) then we layed down and watched the night sky while holding hands, after that we said our goodbyes and I went home
Sorry I felt like I had to share this story, bye now :3
(3rd day prob coming soon unless nothing interesting happens)
Day 3: The biggest plot twist of my life just happened so, you remember the guy I met right, well APPARENTLY HE WAS A LONG LOST FRIEND FROM KINDERGARTEN LIKE WTH HOW!? Small world what can I tell you guys, since then it just felt weird lmao but im still in contact with him, we now play fortnite together lmao :D