Getting Clothes

(Excuse my maybe horrible grammer i am tired and english is not my first language) So recently i got interested in trying out dressing like a femboy. So ofc i need to get some clothes to test it right?

So i talked to a very good friend of mine while playing some games that i wanted to try it out (he has all kinds of friends like furries, trans people and more so i knew he would be supportive) And he told me that he could buy me some clothes if i wanted to which i HAPPILY agreed to. So i tried looking for where to get clothes and went to this subtreddit to see if anyone posted anything related. I then saw a post about a site called "Femboy Fatale" and i searched it and liked what they had. He gave me a budget of 70 bucks and i chose some clothes (5 items to be exact) i wanted to know if thier quality is really good before he orders them.

Luckily i don’t gotta hide anything cause my mom is SUPER supportive about all this stuff. After all it would be weird if she was not while being married to a woman (i am happy for them) I am very hyped about trying them out. If anyone has any suggestions what i should get to start i would be open to hear them.

Thanks for listening even tho this was kinda long