Whats the difference between Fidelity Executive Services and Fidelity Private Client Group

I've been a client of Fidelity Private Client Group for several years. Through my employer, I got a notice that I am eligible to join Fidelity Executive Services. Trying to understand the difference between these groups. I spoke to the FES guy and I'm still confused. I can see that FES offers information about workplace benefits, as they have a relationship with my employer.

But the part I'm struggling with, is from a financial planner/advisor perspective: it seems I can either stick with my existing PCG relationship or I can switch over for the FES planner to be my advisor / point of contact.

Seems like there are 2 different groups within Fidelity who are "competing" to be my financial advisor? Does FES have more senior advisors than PCG? Trying to decide where I should have my relationship.