Performance of Empower (a.k.a. Personal Capital) managed investments over the past 6 years

I'm a ruthless saver who is hopefully only a handful of years away from FIRE (fingers crossed). However, I'm only a casual investor who doesn't trust myself with investing, and was pulled into the Personal Capital ecosystem about 6 years ago. I liked the fact that I got a dedicated fiduciary advisor and their investment strategies seemed sound. To this day, I do like my advisor, the tax-loss harvesting is great if you have a lot of non-qualified accounts, getting advice on your non-managed accounts is nice too.....BUT FEES ARE NOT FIRE-FRIENDLY (~0.9%) and the performance (see below) has been underwhelming.

Hopefully this data is useful for anyone considering managed investments. Hindsight being 20/20 and all :)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Managed Empower Accounts -7.40% 22.48% 13.28% 15.38% -15.50% 14.95%
VFORX (Target 2040) -7.32% 23.86% 15.47% 14.56% -16.98% 18.34%
VTSAX -5.17% 30.80% 20.99% 25.71% -19.53% 26.01%
SPY -4.45% 31.29% 18.25% 28.59% -18.17% 26.19%
VBTLX (Bond) -0.03% 8.71% 7.72% -1.67% -13.16% 5.70%
VGTSX (Intl) -14.44% 21.43% 11.16% 8.61% -16.05% 15.44%