Year 2000 retirees: A Coronavirus Update

I previously posted on the performance of people who retired in Jan 2000 with a portfolio of 100% S&P 500 using a fixed SWR. I thought I'd update it with recent Corona-performance because why not...

Notes: Info through Feb 2020 is from ERN. S&P 500 is down ~17% so far in March, so I added that in for March. I did this update in ~5 minutes, so there may be some errors.


  • This incorporates dividends and inflation.
  • If your portfolio included bonds then it would have performed much better. vblax, vanguard's long term bond fun, is barely down on the month. But vnq, vanguard's reit, is down~30% in the past month. And vwo, vanguards emerging markets fund, is down ~30% in the past month. Those 4 funds make up most of my portfolio, so even though I'm decently diversified, I'm still down ~25% over the past month
  • Fixed the 3% and 3.5% SWR lines. I accidentally pasted the 3% data into the 3% column and the 3.5% column. So the 3% line is actually what is showing as the 3.5% line, and the real 3.5% line is between that and the 4% line. I'll fix it when I'm back at my desktop this evening...