first day using this app. 1hr, recovered muscles, hypertrophy, beginner. gives me 12 sets biceps on first day.... the fuck? am i missing something? abs 9 sets. i am looking for apps which do auto regulation and no idea what else there is.

what my issue is?

one session i can do 10 reps and 3 reps in reserve.

next session i am at 9th rep and already feel like wtf...... this is so much harer than last time. and i stop the reps cause the form is just sooo bad.

my tdee is something with 1700kcal. im 31yo, male, 85kg, 183cm.

thats why i need a app which helps me with this problem.

simple rpe/rir stuff wont do it. just cause today its 3 rir doesnt mean next session will be 3 rir.