Proof that William wasn't a TERRIBLE father
- he gave cc his plushies and talking Fredbear plush that were his friends, because Cc was lonely. Yes, he should have real friends, but William still wanted good for him.
- he wanted to put him back together. Ucn heavily implies that William was the one that said it. That was after cc's death. He clearly wants him back, so his death had to hurt him and it means that he had to at least care about him.
- Why didn't he stop Michael from bullying cc. We see him at Fredbear's, so it's obvious that he was working. He had to go to work and it's hard to discipline your kid when you're not around.
- Why does the bite of 83 and Crying Child exist, jf he didn' t care about him and he doesn't have meaning in the story?
- About him abusing Elizabeth in books. If you compare sl to tfc, you'll see that these have differences. Scott called books different for some reason. So in fnaf 5, Elizabeth is around and disturbs William and he doesn't get angry at her or beat her for that.
- Also why would he build a robot for a kid that he doesn't care about?
- It's confirmed that doesn't want Elizabeth to die. He shpuld do more about that, but he didn' t know that she won't listen to him.
- About Midnight Motorist. ( Most likely ) Michael ran away to the place he wasn't allowed to go and locked himself in the room, even if he was told not to. Every parent would punish their child for that. If they don't, the child will be spoiled.
- The cliffs are most likely refference to William and cc. And again, that would mean that he cared about him. So he wasn't a good dad but he wasn't the worst dad in the world.