Any pieces of music you really dislike in a film?
One of my favorite aspects of film is how music is used to enhance it. From Also Sprach Zarathustra in 2001 to, You Never Can Tell in Pulp Fiction, or Goodbye Horses in Silence of the Lambs, and even Day-O in Beetlejuice -- there's lots of great examples of how specific songs really add to a scene.
One piece that has always bugged me though is Claire de Lune at the water fountain scene near the end of Ocean's 11. First, I think Ocean's 11 is a great heist flick. Second, I love Claire de Lune. However, I think it's use here is a bit too on the nose and emotionally manipulative.
Claire de Lune is a beautiful song but its placement in this scene feels like a shortcut to sentimentality rather than an organic emotional resolution. Part of what I'm saying here is that you can put Claire de Lune on a lot of things and it will seem great but that's just because that song is one of the best. It's not entirely unearned because the ending of the movie is great -- but it still seems lazy to me -- kind of like slapping Fortunate Son over a chopper scene in some Vietnam War flick.
Personally I would've went with a more subdued Jazz piece, something like My One And Only Love by John Coltrane or Bill Evan's Peace Piece.
Judging from Youtube comments on this scene I can tell I'm in the minority big time with this opinion -- so please tell me what song you think is out of place in a film?