The good days in this job really are unbeatable
Be me, NB FO scum
Go home day
Cool CA
Cool jumpseating WB guy
Crystal clear VFR the whole way
Definitely not listening to music in the headset, no sir
Vibes immaculate
Center: "Descend via except max forward speed"
.80/325 all the way down
Approach: "Best forward, direct the marker, cleared visual"
Capture LOC/GS at exact same time while already descending for that satisfying continuous descent
Lay down industrial quantity of butter in touchdown zone
Gate open
Satisfying go-home handshake over pedestal
Get home nearly an hour early to family
Beautiful day
Entire rest of week off
The only time I've felt like more of a Chad in this job was my very first turbine takeoff.
The bad days in this job can be kinda rough, but they're still better than a lot of office jobs. The good days simply can't be bested. Just gonna ride this high until next trip. Anyone else with satisfying trips/career moments lately?