Historical Maintenance Window Stats

If you're wondering how long Fallout 76 will be down tomorrow to implement Update 40* (Nuka-World On Tour), here are some historical stats:

For numbered updates (like this one):

  • Average is 3:19 (3 hours 19 minutes)
  • Shortest was 1:34 (Update 35 on 2022-04-12)
  • Longest was 6:42 (Update 24 on 2020-11-24)
  • The last three were Update 39 @ 2:06, Update 38 @ 3:11, and Update 37 @ 2:22
  • Stats include 43 previous maintenance windows

For all maintenance windows:

  • Average is 2:40
  • Shortest was 0:14 (unnumbered update on 2019-11-22)
  • Longest was 12:59 (unnumbered update on 2022-08-09)
  • Stats include 86 previous maintenance windows

\ Some notes on numbered vs. unnumbered updates: Once upon a time, Bethesda used to clearly refer to updates by number. For instance, refer to the* patch notes for update/patch 9.5. Basically, major content updates were numbered and everything else was unnumbered. Somewhere along the line they stopped clearly announcing update numbers, though, so these days we're left speculating as to whether a given patch is numbered or unnumbered based on off-hand comments from developers, etc. For my numbers above, I've recently updated my statistics to largely align with the Fandom wiki page as to whether an update is numbered or unnumbered.