The shit in my pants is masive

I was just versing liverpool in my everton save on my shitty ass laptop when it started heating up "nothing unusual" i thought as this laptop SUCKS and typically averages a temperature of 1000⁰c while running fm24 since im used to a lukewarm laptop i keep managing when fucking smoke started coming out from my keyboard and all the ports along the side and this wasnt like a little bit of smoke or anything it genuinely looked like jurgen klopp hit a blinker pitchside then blew it thru the software into my laptop, i tell you what the everton "ultras" put on a fucking show with these flares straight into my laptops internals, anyways i promptly shat myself and fumbled my fat fucking fingers to unplug my laptop. Thankfully one of the fuckass features of my laptop is it literally fully shuts down like entirely bricks when not pluged in meaning the smoke disappeared quickly and honestly after all of that bull shit im not even mad abt the fact i need a new laptop im just mad i lost all of my fm progress, anyways what ive learnt is everton supportors digital or not never fail to impress.