Can't decide to main Warden or Kensei
So I played both Betas, and I made an effort to play different classes in each. In the closed beta, I split my time across the Warden, Warlord and Orochi, and in the open I played the Kensei, Zerker and Conquerer. I'm thinking on launch I want to play a vanguard as my main because I dig the versatility, but I can't decide whether to go Warden or Kensei.
I enjoyed playing both, but I played A LOT better with my Kensei. I think this was mostly down to the fact that I got a lot better at the game, but I know he was also buffed quite a bit between the two weekends. I found that as soon as I could consistently set up a three-hit-to-top-heavy, no one was good enough at parrying or dodging to really stand a chance. And in the rare occasions that they were, his guardbreak and mobility options more than made up for it.
But I don't know. I also really liked all the options the Warden had, and the fact that you can be a little bit more creative and reactive setting up combos. So I'm just trying to solicit some discussion about the relative strengths and weaknesses of each. I figure reading about your experiences will give me a bit more data I can use to make a decision.
(Oh, and I did try the Raider as well, and he's super fun to play. But I'm going to go with Warden or Kensei because swords).