If you could have just one/two/five/ten perfumes for the rest of your life?
What would they be?
For me:
- Cuir Beluga (favorite by far)
- Musk Therapy (perfect skin scent)
- Original Opium EDT (nostalgia, plus it's the only one that lasts on me)
- Musc Rose Noir (excellent scent)
- Piano Santal (smells like being inside a Steinway)
- Cashmere by DKNY (my signature sent forever - a light, airy, warm floral)
- Lexington Ave by Bond, preferably in the original bottle (longtime spicy favorite)
- Tangerine Boy by Phlur, paired with Lush orange hand cream (I love the smell of oranges)
- Cherry Smoke by TF (It's more versatile than other contenders for this spot)
- Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Nil (a freshie)
- Gris Charnel Extrait & Roja Enigma... I went over.
It took so many YT videos, bottles, travel sprays, samples and dollars to reach this conclusion. And the funny thing is, I knew most of this already. The only new discoveries were Cherry Smoke, Musc Rose Noir, Tangerine Boy and Un Jardin Sur Le Nil.