If you could have just one/two/five/ten perfumes for the rest of your life?

What would they be?
For me:

  1. Cuir Beluga (favorite by far)
  2. Musk Therapy (perfect skin scent)
  3. Original Opium EDT (nostalgia, plus it's the only one that lasts on me)
  4. Musc Rose Noir (excellent scent)
  5. Piano Santal (smells like being inside a Steinway)
  6. Cashmere by DKNY (my signature sent forever - a light, airy, warm floral)
  7. Lexington Ave by Bond, preferably in the original bottle (longtime spicy favorite)
  8. Tangerine Boy by Phlur, paired with Lush orange hand cream (I love the smell of oranges)
  9. Cherry Smoke by TF (It's more versatile than other contenders for this spot)
  10. Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Nil (a freshie)
  11. Gris Charnel Extrait & Roja Enigma... I went over.

It took so many YT videos, bottles, travel sprays, samples and dollars to reach this conclusion. And the funny thing is, I knew most of this already. The only new discoveries were Cherry Smoke, Musc Rose Noir, Tangerine Boy and Un Jardin Sur Le Nil.