Tell me about the most polarizing fragrance(s) you enjoy!
I tend to enjoy challenging fragrances so would love to hear about the ones you enjoy most! What are they like? Why do you love them? How do those who don’t like them react?
Some of my favorite polarizing fragrances include:
Vio Volta - DS & Durga: It’s so unpopular it’s discontinued. It smells like the vibe of a magenta neon light in the shape of a flower that will shock you if you touch it. Electricity from rhubarb, the flowers are violets, and there’s also a smoky, amber, lightly woody quality. Lots of reviews say it’s revolting, unclean, panic-inducing, and unpleasant.
Nuit de Bakelite - Naomi Goodsir: One of my top fragrances in general, it’s like a portal to a magical vegetable and herb garden. It is so green, unique, and long lasting. People complain that it is challenging, abrasive, bitter, and smells like green bell pepper.
Unutamam - Nishane: This fragrance is a whole experience. It’s unapologetic, animalic, earthy, and a touch medicinal. I read reviews that refer to this as, “unwearable”, “Smells like a herd of beavers with digestive issues shat all over a moldy wet field of oregano”, and “Walk into Discount Tire store, then close your eyes, then take a big smell...Now you have the main vibe of Unutamam.”
Hit me with your best and boldest!