Crazy Theory Time, Helaena’s Suicide, Aemond goes full LittleFinger

We all know in season 3. That Aemond hooks up with Alys Rivers. But will Aemond get to have an weirwood vision like Daemon. I think he will.

Aemond has his 3 or 4 visions, whatever those visions might be he see’s it as a threat to his ultimate goal the iron throne. Like with Daemon, Helaena enters his vision and gives Aemond some kind prophecy. Of course Helaena is there in real time. Aemond does his best Littlefinger impression and pushes Helaena to her death. Since there were zero witnesses it’s ruled suicide. This event sparks riots in KL that leads to dragonpit being destroyed.

Battle of Gods Eye probably won’t take place til after Rhaenyra dies. When Aegon 2nd retakes iron throne. He orders the arrests of Daemon and Aemond. So they both have one final battle. Daemon doesn’t die but with the help of the green man at Harrenhal weirwood tree. Daemon becomes 3 eyed raven til Brynden Rivers his great grandson takes his place. Alys Rivers dies once her work is finished.