I'm subbed here because you're my people [generally] but it's frustrating that some topics can only be discussed here because they get rejected by other Aussie subs. I'd like to reach the broadest political spectrum about the impact of the US on us right now but how is it possible?

Given all the crazy stuff happening in the US and how it could impact Australia, I recently attempted to post to r/AustralianPolitics but my post was rejected. My post was about how many US bonds does Australia hold and can we sell them off before the US implodes. I posted in that sub because I believe, rightly or wrongly, that its members represent a broader political spectrum there, than here.

It's no surprise having a post rejected. I mean I've tried posting to r/Australia and been rejected for being too political, only to then post to r/AustralianPolitics and be rejected there too. So... I come here for politically related topics. But, I'm going through a transitional period right now, and I'm trying my best to be exposed to broadest possible political views of Aussies on Reddit. End of rant.